Here is a brief list of this week's food. FRIDAY 9/9 - Some powdered ketones, a bulletproof coffee, and 1/2 lb of steamed shrimp. Also, 1/2 cup of pasta that Bella made. SATURDAY 9/10 Breakfast - Omelet with bacon, peppers, and onions Lunch - Bulletproof coffee and 3 chicken wings Dinner - 2/3 lb. lean beef brisket SUNDAY 9/11 - we had a family end-of-summer party, so there was a lot of wagon leaving here... Nothing much for breakfast, and a couple scrambled eggs for lunch. At the party, I had some deviled eggs (maybe 5 or 6), a burger with mustard, crab dip and some Ritz crackers, a couple of mojitos, and a couple of chocolate peanut butter bars. MONDAY 9/12 - An omelet with peppers and onion and a steak salad with leftover brisket. TUESDAY 9/13 - A bulletproof coffee, brisket with refried beans and salsa and a low-carb homemade steak bowl. WEDNESDAY 9/14 - Breakfast - Energy bar, Lunch - 6 chicken wings, Dinner - Date night. Out a Mexican rest...